DJ Center > Jobs > > Industry-grade Mixing Services

Industry-grade Mixing Services

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Job Description

I am a producer, and audio engineer from Vancouver, BC. I deliver professional-level mixes to your songs, so that you can be confident and sure when you are ready to release your music. I have worked with a number of local clients in the Vancouver area, and helped them achieve a high-quality sound to their music. I’d love to help you achieve the same sort of results. The bar for music nowadays is incredibly high. We are expected to match, if not exceed the sonic quality of music coming from our favourite artists. If your music is not to par it will not be able to compete for spots on playlists, and new listeners may shy away from your music because it misses that “thing” that is present on their favourite records. With my expertise in audio, I can to help you blow past all this obstacles and help you keep your focus on where it needs to be – making music.

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  • Order Additional
  • Additional mastering services if you wish to simplify the post-recording process. for 100.00€
User Badge #1
Does this in:
3 days
Registered on:
07, Mar 2021
User Level:
User Level #1
Avg Response Time:
1 day
I am a producer, and audio engineer from Vancouver, BC. I am also owner of Good Water Studios, and my goal is to help artists bring their ideas into full fruition.